Rediscover Your Resilience

Reconnect to Vitality

Offering Holistic Functional Health Consulting:


In-Person Care in Arvada, CO

Comprehensive Concierge Home Visits

Is Your Performance Not Matching Your Potential?

Uncover Hidden Injuries & Master Your Body with Holistic Precision

Whether you're overcoming health hurdles, proactively managing your wellness, or striving for a life of vibrant energy and purpose, we’re here to guide you. At Depth Wellness, you’re not just finding relief—you’re reclaiming your life and unlocking your true potential.

Your Path to Sustainable Peak Performance

Start where it feels right for you - eventually we address them all for holistic healing


Subconscious Reprogramming is where the true key to health lies. It is where we reach a Core Programming State. Our body responds to the signals we give it.

Correcting the output from the brain to the body is the first step.


There are ways to use our environment and food as medicine (biohacking). Through discovering your body's chemical language, we create a sustainable, personalized plan, free from being rigid or restraining.


Our physical body must be tuned like an instrument and affects our biochemistry both positively and negatively. When all the pieces put out the correct signal as a symphony, this is how we reach Peak Performance & Mastery.

Meet Your Team

Dr. Christine Smith is leading the Way to Better Health. Dr. Smith brings a powerful combination of Functional Medicine, Chiropractic & Functional Movement Expertise, alongside Cognitive Neuroscience & Subconscious Reprogramming to craft a comprehensive approach to your health.

Her focus is on understanding the complete picture of your mental-chemical-physical wellness, ensuring that every aspect of your care is addressed. With Dr. Smith, you're more than a client - you're an active participant in your health journey, gaining skills, resilience and authority over your health.

Avoid the Pitfalls, Nourish Vitality

No more temporary fixes or feeling lost in a sea of health advice. With Dr. Smith's guidance, you'll have a custom report written with data and confidence, making informed, lasting changes. Consider this a chance for the transformation you've been looking for with structure and guidance based on your body. Let's gain clarity together on what that is for you.

Explore some of the services we offer:

Functional Medicine

Functional Lab Testing

Neurological Subconscious Reprogramming

Chiropractic Care

Regenerative Fitness

Start your strategic journey to peak performance

Imagine waking up each day feeling connected to your body, stronger than ever, energized, present, clear and curiously engaged in what matters most to you. With the right knowledge, tools, and support you can be there. Don't just survive. Thrive.

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